Home >> EAPL-S Meet the Expert Lunch | July 5th 2023 2pm-3pm

EAPL-S Meet the Expert Lunch | July 5th 2023 2pm-3pm

Prof. Dr. Renate Volbert

Renate Volbert is a professor of Forensic Psychology at the Psychologische Hochschule Berlin and a research fellow at the Institute of Forensic Psychiatry, Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin. Her main research areas include credibility assessment, suggestibility, interviewing techniques, false confessions as well as secondary victimization

In addition, she works as a court-appointed expert witness on credibility assessment of statements on a regular basis. She has conducted workshops on credibility assessment and/or interviewing amongst others for judges, public prosecutors, police detectives, psychologists in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Finland and the Netherlands.


  • The Meet the Expert Lunch is intended for student members of the EAPL (if you are not a member yet, you can sign up here!)
  • While you will be more than welcome to join us spontaneously, it would be preferrable for anyone planning to attend the Meet the Expert Lunch to let us know by June 25th by sending an e-mail to eaplstudent@gmail.com. This will allow for us to make all the necessary arrangements.
  • If you have any dietary requirements, please let us know by June 25th in order for us to be able to take this into account while selecting the restaurant.
  • The attendance of the Meet the Expert Lunch is free of charge, however, you will have to pay for your own meal and beverages.

We are looking forward to seeing you!
