Thank you to everyone who attended the 2016 EAPL Conference in Toulouse.
2016 Award Recipients
Congratulations to those of you who received the 2016 EAPL-S awards! Awards were handed out at the EAPL conference in Toulouse, France. For all of you who presented but didn’t receive an award, we wish you the best of luck for next year.Oral presentation awards:
Hugues Delmas
First Place (€400)
Beliefs about facial cues of serious and trivial lies
Dominic Wilmott
Second Place (€300)
Stranger, acquaintance and domestic: A psychological exploration of jury decision making within three differing rape trials.
Kerstin Adolffson
Third place (€200)
Victim blame in single versus multiple perpetrator rape cases.
Poster award:
Jonas Schemmel
Poster Award (€200)
Different people, different stories: Differential aspects of CBCA.