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Factbook first edition

This edited book published by the EAPL-S is the result of countless hours of work authored by over 20 EAPL-S students who are conducting research the area of psychology and law (a.k.a. forensic psychology).

From the back:

Providing easy access to empirical information on important issues.

This factbook is an excellent resource for anyone interested in psychology and law. It provides the reader with a series of empirically based articles that present a quick and accessible overview of a wide variety of topics.

The articles in this book are intended for distribution as handouts, and represent an excellent textbook supplement for introductory psychology and law courses. This text is also extremely useful for professionals or laypeople who are in contact with offenders, victims, corrections, or the legal system in any way.

Topics covered by this book include criminal profiling, eyewitnesses, sex offenders, deception detection, victims of crime, false confessions, forensic neuropsychology, the insanity defense, psychopathy, and many other forensic topics.


1. Child Eyewitnesses
2. Crime in the Media
3. Criminal Profiling
4. The Dark Triad
5. Deception Detection
6. Eyewitness Memory
7. False Confessions
8. Forensic Neuropsychology
9. Forensic Risk Assessment
10. The Insanity Defense
11. Mentally Ill Offenders
12. Psychopathy
13. Rape Myths
14. Sex Offenders
15. Sex Offender Treatment
16. Victims of crime
17. Young Offenders

